Thursday, 5 September 2013

Off to Leicestershire...

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. I'm off to Hugglescote to cover the wedding of the lovely Emma and David. Don't get me wrong I always look forward to every wedding I get to attend but this weekend I'm excited for different reasons, well additional ones:

Firstly, the happy couple to be were almost as excited to go play on a defunked tractor during their pre wedding shoot as I was...

I love tractors. I love most large scale agricultural machinery, it makes me a little wide eyed and child like. Maybe it's the diesel fumes.

This and the fact that they are a most relaxed and generally ace couple bodes for a good day's photography in my books anyway.

Secondly, I'll get to see another couple whose wedding I photographed back in 2011 at St Wulframs, Grantham...

Grantham Wedding Photography, St Wulframs
Just Married, St Wulframs, Grantham

and afterwards at Harlaxton Manor in the Vale of Belvoir...
Harlaxton Wedding Photography
Catch! Harlaxton Manor, Vale of Belvoir

I also get to see the newest addition to their family who I haven't see since he was this size...

Those that know me will know that I'm not usually one for baby photos, but these guys were keen on my style of photography so I agreed to have a go. Despite a small accident involving my black velvet and no nappy, I had a brilliant morning with the family and got some lovely images for the mantlepiece I think.

I'm guessing he's at least quadrupled in size by now.

It's got me thinking about how many couples I still hear from in one way or another, through Facebook or the odd email. It's lovely.

Sometimes I get to catch up in person too. A lot of my work comes through recommendations which is great, it means I must be doing something right. It also means that I get to see couples I have previously photographed again, often wielding small children which is just brilliant. I've always been very grateful for a job that lets me be so close to of one of the most important days of someone's life, it's a real privilege. Being able to see some couples grow into families over the years is something super special too. I'm very lucky.

For a split second there I considered taking up infant photography as a side line and almost googled machine washable black velvet. Don't worry, order has resumed, will stick to what I'm good at.

So that's Saturday. On Sunday we're having a barbecue with lots of spicy sausages. It's going to be a lovely couple of days. Here's hoping for bright skies and little need for an umbrella. Have a lovely weekend all.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Why would your wedding photographer offer you a free pre wedding shoot?

What's the point? Someone asked me this the other day.

Pre wedding shoots, aka engagement shoots: The Marmite of modern wedding photography. Many happy couples to be are opting to have one of these mini photo sessions in advance of their big day but why? Are they really necessary or are they just a bit of a gimmick?

They may have started out as a bit of an incentive to pick a particular photographer over another but from my perspective, they're worth the weight of my fully packed camera bag in 24 carat gold for us all. 

you don't have to pose for the camera...
Let's face it, the last time many of us 'posed' for a photo shoot may well have been at school, sat awkwardly in front of a dodgy curtain saying "cheeeeeeese". Sadly, this is what having our picture taken by a professional means to lots of us. Unsurprisingly, when we see the lens again some of us automatically resurrect that same awkward smile and begin to break in to a cold sweat. Not good look for anyone that. I've also seen people freeze up, breath in so hard that they go pink, stick their chest out, twist their torso in the belief that it makes them look thinner (that's me, I do that), adopt a comedy pose for no apparent reason, look at their watch then walk away and an array of other odd things. We may not be consciously aware of it but we all react in some way (though perhaps not as obviously as some of those I've just mentioned!). A pre wedding shoot gives your photographer a chance to see how comfortable you both are around a camera. They help you learn to ignore the lens and forget the school portrait smile, which will make for more natural photographs on the day itself.

This mini shoot is probably the first opportunity you'll have to see your photographer in action too. It might even be the first time you meet them in person. Skype is great but it's no where near as good as getting together in the flesh. Your relationship with your photographer is key. If you're all comfortable with each other you will get better photos, without doubt. These shoots allow you to do just that.

With me, they're also a chance to experiment with style and post production techniques. We can see if you prefer yourselves in monochrome or a little desaturated. It sounds slightly painful, but it's not.

They're also a good afternoon out. Of all the couples that have booked me to photograph their wedding, the majority were supremely apprehensive about a pre wedding shoot. Without exception though, every couple that has had one has come back to me to say how surprised they were at how painless it was and how much they enjoyed it. It's fun, honest!

Most professional wedding photographers will offer a pre wedding shoot option. Many will include it as part of your photography package, others may charge extra. Either way, I'd say opt for it. They're a great rehearsal. Personally, I include one for free with every booking. I don't offer a reduction in price if you choose not to have one as I actually want to encourage people to meet up and have a go. They don't last an age, are super relaxed and usually a bit of a giggle for all of us.

At the end of it, you should come away with a set of gorgeous images of the two of you to use in your wedding preparations or store in the virtual cupboard as you choose. Perhaps you could use one on a signing board on the day or have a guest book made with a selection of the images. They could feature on your wedding invitations or save the date cards or even form part of the venue decorations. Just avoid printing them on a balloon, that's rarely a good look either.

a personalised signing board can be a great alternative to a guest book

Still not convinced? Have a natter with your photographer about the details or drop me a line.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I've been learning some non photographic IT skills recently and have made a new website, all by myself! - have a gander.

If I'm honest, it's been emotional. Whilst such endeavours might come as second nature to the majority of the world, they just don't to me. I can now finally appreciate my parent's frustrations as they struggled to program the 28 day VCR timer back in the 80s. At the time I tutted and raised my eyebrows in disbelief as they fiddled with the wired remote control and thirty page manual. Now, having spent a couple of weeks sporting the same disgruntled expressions, I finally understand.

On the plus side, I now have a shiny new website and I know exactly how to update it. I've learnt something new, I like learning. I also got to go through just about every wedding image in my library which was a lovely totter down memory lane. I love looking back through previous wedding collections, it always puts a grin on my face. Doing it for a solid fortnight may well have induced premature wrinkles but it was worth it.

I couldn't quite find the right space for the image above but I like it too much not to include it somewhere. Maybe I just fancy a glass of pop. Could use the website as an excuse...

Thursday, 15 August 2013

The postman does deliver good things after all...

As you might know, Apple have decreed that CD and DVD drives are so last decade and have removed them from all of their shiny new Macs. When I discovered this I began to sympathise with my parents who were equally, if not more lost and confused when they discovered that Our Price no longer sold vinyl LPs.
Thankfully the blank expression on my face was short lived as I quickly realised this was an excuse to go shopping for something colourful. Et voila! Now your images will arrive on one of these funky little numbers.
Much more appropriate for sending hundreds of high resolution wedding images anyway me thinks.

Welcome... my page of ramblings. I'll keep this up to date with recent images and my thoughts on all things photographic. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to say.

Bear with me, I'm new to this.