Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I've been learning some non photographic IT skills recently and have made a new website, all by myself!

www.sarahellenbailey.co.uk - have a gander.

If I'm honest, it's been emotional. Whilst such endeavours might come as second nature to the majority of the world, they just don't to me. I can now finally appreciate my parent's frustrations as they struggled to program the 28 day VCR timer back in the 80s. At the time I tutted and raised my eyebrows in disbelief as they fiddled with the wired remote control and thirty page manual. Now, having spent a couple of weeks sporting the same disgruntled expressions, I finally understand.

On the plus side, I now have a shiny new website and I know exactly how to update it. I've learnt something new, I like learning. I also got to go through just about every wedding image in my library which was a lovely totter down memory lane. I love looking back through previous wedding collections, it always puts a grin on my face. Doing it for a solid fortnight may well have induced premature wrinkles but it was worth it.

I couldn't quite find the right space for the image above but I like it too much not to include it somewhere. Maybe I just fancy a glass of pop. Could use the website as an excuse...

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